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Goat Thing of the Day: Goats That Act Like Dogs

Erica, of Bugs Boys and BooBoos, showed me some of her goat pictures the other day:

erica goats with baby ngip

Erica says, “My goats are like dogs.  They hang out on our doorstep like a tired dog would.  And under our picnic table.  And they eat out of a dog bowl.  And they share their food with the chickens …”

erica goats with chickens ngip

goat in panties daniella seafood punch 108x100

Remember when Google rented a bunch of goats to clear out their meadows? Well now my buddy Brandon of The Urban Hive tells us that  Yahoo is doing it too.

yahoo goats datacenterImage Source:

goat in panties daniella seafood punch 108x100

Pricilla of The Maaaaa of Pricilla told NGIP about a video being shown over on Goats in the Garden about some billboard goats in the news:

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  1. Or maybe the chickens are sharing with the goats?

    1. You could be right. A 2nd look at that food bowl and I can’t tell if that’s Purina Goat Chow or chicken feed.

  2. My brain is failing me. Which poem is this? I’m searching my email and everything. Help!!!

  3. Ginger says:

    ha! I have met a goat is soo doggy, she puts dogs to shame. She growls at strangers at the door, sniffs them and follows them around, she even wags her tail when the family is home. Meg, didnt you get my poem about her?

  4. Love the goats and chickens eating side-by-side.
    Hope you’re having a great weekend.

  5. Liz says:

    i think it would be pretty great to have a goat-dog. 🙂

  6. Rebecca says:

    Maybe a goat wouldn’t be such a bad pet – I do like dogs.

  7. Rebecca says:

    Maybe a goat wouldn’t be such a bad pet – I do like dogs.

  8. Nezzy says:

    I’m lovin’ that baby love…just too cute!!! It looks like the goats in the video found their own personal sundeck. :o)

    Ya’ll have a terrific weekend!

  9. Jennifer, thank you for raising my own awareness of NF; I don’t think I’d ever heard of it before. I wish you and your son good health! XOXOXXO

  10. Of course you would, Pricilla! 😀

  11. so so so so so so so cute!

  12. Hopefully people aren’t “drooling on their steering wheels” for goat meat!

  13. Jennifer says:

    That is so funny. We used to have goats at our farm and they would follow us around everywhere!

    I wanted to ask you all a BIG favor. I am trying to raise awareness for a disorder that my son and I have, Neurofibromatosis (NF). Please visit my site today and pass it along to your friends. Thank you so much!

    Mud Pies For Mommy

  14. Pricilla says:

    I would postulate that DOGS are like GOATS.