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Goat Thing of the Day: Fiji

Cheri of Insignificant Ramblings went to Fiji with her husband to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Their 25th wedding anniversary. For once in their lives, they were going to get away and make it about THEM, not their kids, not other people…THEM and only THEM. A romantic vacation. {SIGH!}

Then Cheri saw a goat and their romantic getaway came to a screeching halt during a scooter ride. Suddenly it was about me and Nanny Goats in Panties! I’m touched that she would risk her marriage for this blog. And who wouldn’t? I mean, a Fijian goat? How cute is that?


Meanwhile back at Walmart, in the parking lot…

(Thank you, Tom) 

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  1. Dale Ottley says:

    LOLOL. Groovy photos.

  2. OMG that Fijian goat is so cute! I would stop and take a photo of a goat for you, no matter where I was.

    I have seen that second photo before… only at WalMart!!

  3. gayle says:

    So cute and so sweet of her to stop and take a picture!!

  4. Cheri says:

    The goat is way cuter….and I'm so very sad that my tan is all but gone. *sniff* Good news is that the marriage is still going strong.

    And the WalMart goat? He's probably the best looking one in the whole crowd….

  5. Nezzy says:

    How sweet is that little goat? The big goat, must have run outta panties!!!

    Have a great day, ya'll!!!

  6. Awww… so cute and so funny! See, you are liked more than you thought, huh?! :o) I am not quite sure however, what to think about the goat in the back of that car in Wal-Mart parking lot though – HA!

  7. moooooog35 says:

    If you say 'Fijian goat' really fast over and over again it starts to sound funny. that I think about it, you only have to say it once.

  8. Ausetkmt says:

    Have Mercy !
    you mean last weeks post should have been “the people and goats of walmart”. what will they think of next ?

  9. Happy 25th wedding anniversary to Cheri!

  10. Joanie M says:

    One of the teachers at my kids' grade school (they're all grown in college or finished now) has a goat as a pet. Funny because you'd never guess it to see her, driving her Cadillac.

  11. Irish Gumbo says:

    A goatbin an El Camino…ridin' and stylin'!

    And the first goat was definitely cute.

  12. I'd have stopped too. Do Fijian goats have a different accent?

  13. Mr. Stupid says:

    He is way too cute. Glad you stopped. We got to see his pic. He looks cute as a puppy, only with two tiny horns. That's cute too…:)

  14. marlaahansen says:

    Ok, I am just sure that goat in the car is from Oklahoma. No seriously, this is not an unusual sight in my neck of the woods. Should I be embarrassed? 🙂

  15. The Muse says:

    Your Faaaaaaaan club is everywhere 🙂

  16. tattytiara says:

    No goat on earth has a cooler ride than that one, no goat on earth.

    And Aw! indeed!

  17. cottagegardenstudios says:

    LOl..just love your blog!! Giggle…and the first sweet!!

  18. Leeuna says:

    Ohhh! What a doll baby! and the goat's quite pretty too. 🙂

    Seriously, I would almost keep that goat in the house with me. He looks so snuggly and soft and as cute as a button.

    What's up with goats at Wal-Mart?

  19. It would have been cute if not for the fact that Fijian Goats feast on human flesh.

  20. Jayne says:

    Who wouldn't stop to pet something so cute. I love your goat things.

  21. That IS a very cute goat, I must say.

  22. So WalMart is selling goats now. What will they think of next.

  23. owen says:

    Fiji ? !

    Hmmm, have you started mapping your goat sources ? Ticking off countries… if people keep sending in goat pictures from their travels, soon you'll have a collection representing the entire world…

    1. Ausetkmt says:

      Owen lest you forget the Illuminati has a goat headed mascot;
      and they control the world. so I guess that's already claimed.

  24. Surfie says:

    Who knew all I need to do to have a GTotD is go to Walmart. OR Fiji! Gee, if I had to choose…

  25. fragrantliar says:

    'kay, that's quite posssibly the cutest goat I've ever seen in my life. Worth a stop and a photo for the Nanny Goat Queen.

  26. Pricilla says:

    Goats gotta shop!

  27. vodkalogic says:

    Goats at walmart, where is this.

  28. She risked her marriage for that?!!?

    Oh, I mean, how nice. 😉

  29. pam101360 says:

    I luv it…so darn cute!


  30. SueAnn says:

    Oh that little one is adorable!! I would have stopped too!!