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Sacramento Bloggers: A Domain Worth Exploring.

So, one evening over lots of wine and kvetching, my blogger friend, Nichole, and I wondered why we had to travel all over this state and country to connect with other bloggers.

“Sacramento is so lame,” one of us said (probably me). “Every other city has a Bloggers network. Why don’t we? Hey….wait a minute.”

And two hours later, I was buying, both pleased and dismayed that it was available. I mean, you can’t buy any two-word domain names these days without paying some greedy middleman hundreds of dollars because he knows the value of these things. I can’t even buy MY name because somebody is sitting on it and not using it.

Not so with No, that domain was sitting out there in tattered burlap rags on a busy sidewalk, holding its hand out for spare change as every passerby completely ignored it. It was invisible and worthless as far as the internet was concerned. The poor street urchin had nothing to live for and was about to jump from the Tower Bridge into the Sacramento River when I happened along. I coaxed it down, told it that it had plenty to live for, that there were people who needed it, that I would take it home with me and feed it and give it love.

Over time we gave it a Home page. Then we added an email sign-up form and a blog roll. People we didn’t know came over and began giving us their email addresses.

And then because there are still no conferences in Sacramento, we traveled to Utah, where we met another Sacramento blogger, Stephanie, who got excited about the potential of our street urchin and became our social media manager.

And then we gave it its very own Facebook Page.

And our blog roll began to grow.

And we said, “Gee, we need to actually do something now.” and began working on our first meetup/mixer.

Enter the Le Rivage Hotel. They understood what bloggers were, what they can do and wanted to support our community. They were excited to have us and we were excited to be had. Or something like that.

General Manager Mark Fitzgerald is a blogger himself (at Grubzilla Sactown) and the next thing you know, he and Sales Director Lisa Burge are giving me a tour of this gorgeous European-looking boutique hotel and we are standing in their Presidential Suite that overlooks the Sacramento River talking about doing an event.

“If I had to guess,” I told them, “we might have 20 people. Might.”

They said the Presidential Suite could comfortably host up to about 16 people and that we could wait and see, or have it on the patio.

We decided to wait and see.

And then we got 53 RSVPs.

But people told me, “Oh, you’re lucky if 50% of RSVPs show up. Less than that if it’s your first event.”

So I optimistically predicted 25 people would come. Lisa Burge predicted 35.

It turned out to be more like 44.

So what does that mean? That means that Nicole and I weren’t the only ones who wanted a community of bloggers.

And this inaugural mixer? Oh. Em. Gee.

First of all, the Le Rivage Hotel is the total bomb. (Can I say bomb? Are they still saying bomb?)

sacramento bloggers, le rivage hotel

It’s right on the Sacramento River, just south of downtown, hidden away to the point that many people have never heard of it, let alone seen it. (Although I’ve heard celebs such as Prince and Britney Spears have.) It’s gorgeous. It’s also a fantastic wedding venue that anyone who’s looking should consider.

Lisa designed a custom cocktail just for us, called The Writer’s Block.

sacramento bloggers, le rivage hotel

The Writer’s Block. photo by Corinne Litchfield of Explore Sacto

sacramento bloggers, le rivage hotel, meetup

St. Germain. A liqueur made from elder flowers.


They provided a bar and a delicious appetizer buffet out on the back patio.

sacramento bloggers, le rivage hotel

The bar area. Where many Writer’s Blocks were made.

sacramento bloggers, le rivage hotel, meetup

We enjoyed smoked salmon, crab cakes, kebobs and I don’t remember what all else. And when am I going to learn how to take nonblurry pictures? My kingdom for a decent photog!

The weather was perfect, and Nichole, Stephanie and I did our best to meet and greet.

sacramento bloggers, le rivage hotel, meetup

Early birds got an exclusive tour of the Presidential Suite which included a gorgeous sunset view of the river and celeb stories.

sacramento bloggers, le rivage hotel, meetup

Sunset view from Le Rivage’s Presidential Suite. photo by Corinne Litchfield of Explore Sacto

In meeting and greeting and ice-breaking, we learned that bloggers joined us because they liked the idea of a community and wanted to check it all out.

An iPad was stationed at the check-in table for easy membership sign-up.

sacramento bloggers, le rivage hotel, meetup

And Le Rivage gave away a free night’s stay (Jeremy of Thinkhouse Collective was the lucky winner).

And bloggers took pictures and Tweeted and Instagrammed.

And to think that poor little street urchin of a domain nearly became fish food. Our membership has grown over 15% in the last week. Word is getting out, man.

I think this is the beginning of a bunch of beautiful relationships.

sacramento bloggers

sacramento bloggers, le rivage hotel, meetup

The Trynamic Trio: Nichole, me, and Stephanie. And no, there was no memo about the stripes. And yes, I know I’m wearing a billboard of a name tag.

p.s. The blog posts from other bloggers about this event are rolling in. If you want to read what other bloggers thought of the whole affair you can check out the links at the bottom of the Sacramento Bloggers Inaugural Mixer Recap post.

Sacramento Bloggers Website

Sacramento Bloggers Facebook Page

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  1. Linda R. says:

    What a great idea! I think every city/town should have one.

  2. Lynn says:

    Heard what a great time your first event was, sorry I couldn’t make it for this one. My radar is on for the next!

    1. Margaret says:

      It would be really cool to see you at the next one, Lynn!

  3. Holy cow, how new is the site? You have a PR4 already! Did you get links from all these bloggers? What a fabulous idea – you ROCKED IT!

    1. Margaret says:

      A PR4?? Holy cow is right. How did THAT happen? It’s pretty new. Got the domain in April, started putting the word out about the site in June.

  4. chandrabourne says:

    Yay Margaret! Thank you so much for getting this all going!!

    1. Margaret says:

      And it will take everybody to keep it all going. Nichole, Stephanie and I will be everyone’s cheerleader. 🙂

  5. High Five to Sacramento Bloggers!!! What a fantastic idea. And what a great turnout! I’m officially jealous. Sounds like a great group is off and running.
    xo jj

    1. Margaret says:

      Yay for us! We can’t wait to see what’s in store. My hat goes off to everyone who came. It’s gonna take a village to keep it going 🙂

  6. sharkbytes says:

    What a very cool idea. You have created something special.

    1. Margaret says:

      I think so! 🙂

  7. LOVE this. You are a total rockstar.

    1. Margaret says:

      Awww, thanks, Jill!

  8. Ginger says:

    Margaret I think you are a star for running with this idea. You are such a doer!!
    It sounds like you had so much fun! Wish you’d move over here and start one!!

    1. Margaret says:

      Oh, but that’s just it, Ginger….YOU can start one of your own!

  9. Lisa says:

    I didn’t know this existed until I saw that there was an actual Sacramento Bloggers Twitter. Now I do, and I’ll be prepared to attend the next get-together! Thank you for starting this…it’s just what Sacramento needs.

    1. Margaret says:

      I’m glad you think so, Lisa. 🙂 If you haven’t already, I hope you join/sign up for the group so you can keep updated on all our events. I look forward to meeting you!

  10. Indigo Roth says:

    Hey Margaret! This sounds like an awesome get-together, and perhaps just the kind of thing I need to look into at this end. Inspiring! And congratulations on your success =) Indigo x

    1. Margaret says:

      Thank you, Indigo! I suppose the next thing would be to build a network of network leaders to share best practices. 🙂 We will take over the world, I tell you. 🙂

  11. This cracked me the hell up:

    “that domain was sitting out there in tattered burlap rags on a busy sidewalk, holding its hand out for spare change as every passerby completely ignored it. It was invisible and worthless as far as the internet was concerned’

    Ahahahahaha! And no, that’s not just my fever talking.

    I think it’s TOTALLY SUPER AWESOME that y’all started this network. Kudos on the turn out of 44 people! And I’ll take a Writers Block on the rocks, please!

    PS: I “liked” on Facebook & I’m “following” on Twitter!

    * All of the exclamation points might be my fever talking.

    1. Margaret says:

      Meleah, my future internet spouse, you are a treasure for supporting this! I am sorry you’re feeling so poorly and can’t believe you can even talk, let alone with exclamation points, while so feverish. Get well soon, dear! Also? I’m glad to have cracked you the hell up. 🙂

      1. Well, if I am stuck in bed, at least I have the Internet.
        And people like YOU to keep me company, while cracking me the hell up!

  12. Pricilla says:

    Well how exciting! You are now importanter. I did not notice any apples on that buffet. What if I had dropped in?

    1. Margaret says:

      There may have been goat cheese. Is goat cheese OK? At first that sounds wrong, but if goat babies can have goat milk…wouldn’t goat cheese be okay?

  13. sueann says:

    Well congrats on woohoo!!!

    1. Margaret says:

      Thank you, SueAnn!

  14. Susan Cooper says:

    It was so much fun. SB will rock… I can see it truly happening. Oh and BTW?… The “Writers Block” drink was amazing. 🙂

    1. Margaret says:

      The Writer’s Block WAS amazing, wasn’t? Kudos to Lisa on that one. 🙂

  15. Wow! You know you’ve hit the big time when you have your own custom cocktail. I need me some Writer’s Block!

    1. Margaret says:

      Yeah, we felt kind of special with our own drink. 🙂

  16. Lauren says:

    That is very cool. What a wonderful idea and way to meet like-minded types. In my town, I’m a member of a writer’s group. It’s funny. I never thought of networking with other bloggers in the area… until now. Thanks for the idea.

    1. Margaret says:

      You’re welcome! I belong to writer’s groups too, but they aren’t all bloggers (just as not all bloggers are writers) and sometime you just want to hang out and talk blog.

  17. Nicky says:

    You? Are awesome. I don’t suppose you’d consider moving to Montreal, would you?

    1. Margaret says:

      hee hee! If you’re there, I would definitely consider it. Don’t you have a Montreal Bloggers Society or something? Dang, I just realized we could have called ourselves the SacBloggers Society. I wonder if it’s too late to change it. I do know that I want any of the workshops we run to be called “Symposiums” because it sounds so sophisticated. And we Sacramentans are, if anything, sophistuhmuhcated….*BURP!*

  18. Terra says:

    How fun to have a big success in your get together for Sacramento bloggers. The location looks super pretty and the Writers Block drink intriguing.
    I blog at

    1. Margaret says:

      It WAS fun! And the setting was gorgeous.

  19. Megan Lebert says:

    I follow your blog and yet, somehow I MISSED THIS! I would have loved to join in! Heading to FB now and then to the website =)

    1. Margaret says:

      Just saw you over there! Yeah, I’m not sure I’ve even talked about SacBloggers over here on NGIP, this was sort of a coming out post. That’s OK, you’ll catch us on the next train!