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Open Letter to NBC Regarding the Pair O’Lympics

Dear NBC,

That’s right–“Pair”. Because there are two of them. Olympic Games, that is. Please make a note of it. Since you’re hogging (or whatever you broadcasty people call it) the rights to cover them, then cover BOTH of them.

The 2012 Paralympics were the most-watched, best-attended games of all time, no thanks you. Because you wouldn’t let us SEE the Paralympics. And neither would the BBC, for that matter.

And I’m too chicken to watch them via the questionable, smells-like-bit-torrents “proxy anonymizers” in order to fool the BBC into thinking that I’m not an American trying to sneak in to watch their coverage of the Games.

I can only assume that you assume that we aren’t interested in watching a bunch of disabled people competing in some pseudo version of the “real” Olympic Games. At least that’s the message you’re sending to us and the rest of the world, so thanks for that, you bozos. And if my assumption is true, it’s one of the most egregious, disgusting, and insulting assumptions of yours I’ve ever seen.

The whole thing reeks of discrimination. And it’s not just you–my spellchecker won’t recognize “Paralympics” either, so I’ll be writing them as well.

Did you even think to ask us if we wanted to watch the Paralympics?

Not only would the millions of disabled Americans be inspired by watching others like them sweating out their heart and soul to win a gold medal, but every mother, father, sister, brother and friend of theirs will watch them and be inspired too.

So, if you do the math, that’s pretty much everybody. Is everybody a big enough audience for you?

The human interest stories alone would kick the Olympics Games’ asses.

Vladimir Putin said

The example set by the Paralympians is inspiring and giving hope to millions of people. Each step that you take and every success you enjoy deserves the deepest respect, and we will always get behind you. — via

So put THAT in your assumption pipe and smoke it.

Not only that, Paralympians have a better image in the Integrity Department. How many doping stories came out of the Paralympics? Not that we’d know if they did because YOU DIDN’T COVER THE PARALYMPICS.

Covering the Paralympics would give the athletes the exposure they (and we, the audience) deserve. They have every right to become the topic of water cooler conversation here in the U.S.

Thanks to you, the only reason we recognize the name Oscar Pistorious is because he competed in the Olympics. Hello? He QUALIFIED to run in the Olympics! Of course, we didn’t get to see him win gold in the Paralympics because YOU DIDN’T COVER THE PARALYMPICS.

And I’m sorry but your lame ass 4-hour unpromoted non-live attempt at “coverage”  doesn’t count for poo in my book. Oh, I know, it’s more than four total hours because you also plan to air a 90 minute highlight special a week from now. A week from now? Now that’s it’s all over? Really?

I was able to watch the Paralympic YouTube Channel to get my Paralympics on, so nuts to you, pal.

Also? My new boyfriend Oscar is hot.

oscar pistorious, paralympics

So there’s your female and gay audience right there.

The good thing is, you don’t have to wait 4 years to redeem yourselves as the 2014 Winter Paralympics in Sochi is in a short 18 months! That is, if the IPC (International Paralympic Committee) agrees to LET you hog all the rights again. Or whatever you broadcasty people call it.

I only ask one favor, and maybe I need to cc Comcast and all the other cable and satellite providers on this one. Please reorganize your other 47 NBC channels so that they aren’t so close to the adult programming. When my mother-in-law stayed with us this summer, it was a bit awkward scrolling past the ubiquitous porno channels of athletic uncoverage to get to the channels of athletic coverage. (Please refer to Exhibits A, B, and C below)


Exhibit A:

adult channels, comcast

Eek! *scroll scroll scroll!!*


Exhibit B:

adult channels, comcast preview guide

Ack! *scroll scroll scroll!!*


Exhibit C:

olympic coverage, comcast preview guide

Whew! Why am I all sweaty?


Thanks for listening.

Hugs and Kisses,


(Magazine cover photo by Kristen-Lee Moolman for the November issue of GQ South Africa. via Art8amby)

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  1. Ginger says:

    I heart this post. Considering that UK was the host country they did show most of the events but I still noticed that the events from another athletic event – can’t remember the location – but featuring Bolt etc got priority over the ParaOlympics sometimes and I kept wondering why. I admire Bolt but hey move over, these men and women overcame more to be there. They are the true heroes

    1. Margaret says:

      Thanks, Ginger!
      What was Bolt doing during the Paralympics? I mean, dude had his time in the sun. He’s old news. Come on!

  2. I bow to your greatness and couldn’t have said it better myself!!! I think NBC would have been VERY surprised at their ratings if they’d televised the paralympic games– Shame on them.

    And Oscar is absolutely hotter than hot!

    xoxo jj

  3. SO well said… I love the paraolympians. They are so gracious whether they win or lose.
    And who the heck is Oscar – you’re right he is H-O-T!!!

    1. Margaret says:

      Gracious, yes, you’re right about that. And Oscar is the H-O-T. 🙂

  4. jennifersusan says:

    Darn spell checker! I think it’s in cahoots with the broadcasting companies. After all everyone knows paralympics is a real word–the broadcast companies have paid off our spell checkers to make us all think we’ve gone mad. (or push us just that much over the edge–wait. i am over the edge). Thanks for not letting me be alone in this!

    1. Margaret says:

      And thank YOU for letting me know that I am not alone in this either! I say we shoot the spell checkers.

  5. flop says:

    What prompted this passion? I’m just curious, as it’s never come up in conversation and we do go back a few years.

    1. Margaret says:

      I’m fed up with broadcast offerings in general. This is just another one of those things. Don’t get me started on OnDemand.

  6. Indigo Roth says:

    Margaret, you old curmudgeon! I LOVE THIS! The UK coverage was pretty damned awesome, but ’twas not so overseas. Well, over the Atlantic, anyway. You shoulda come to watch it! Indigo x

    1. Margaret says:

      I was wondering how the coverage was elsewhere in the world. Another commenter here said the French were pretty ungenerous about it.

  7. Angela Knutsen says:

    I agree, the cover here in France was just if a member of the French team won a gold. I didn’t get to see my cousin win 2 golds a silver and a bronze! Guess who she is pictured with on her Wikipedia page? (hee hee)

    1. Margaret says:

      Lucky!!!! Of course, she’s stealing my boyfriend. I was wondering what the coverage was like in other countries. So it’s not just the USA. How sad.

  8. I could not agree more, Margaret! But Oscar is too well turned out for me. I like them a little ‘rougher”. Know what I mean?

    1. Margaret says:

      hee hee….I’m afraid I might, Linda. 🙂

  9. Susan Cooper says:

    I very much agree. It just doesn’t and isn’t fair on so many levels. It simply does not make any since to me… at all.

    1. Margaret says:

      I just don’t understand what they were thinking.

      1. Susan Cooper says:

        Me either… Sigh!

  10. Jayne says:

    Good for you, Margaret. Consider sending this to the editor of the Sacramento Bee and the L.A. Times, too. And here’s the link I often use:

    1. Margaret says:

      What does that link go to, Jayne? Is it one of those anononononymizers? (sp?)

      1. Jayne says:

        It goes to a site which brings you the BBC and live coverage of other sports you can’t get on network. I used it a lot during the Olympics to watch the horse events.

  11. Fabulous post! Very true about the coverage, I wish they would show it too – and the rest ROFLMAO as always!!!!

    1. Margaret says:

      Thanks, Robyn. I don’t see how they are completely missing the mark on this one.

  12. Post this on the NBC facebook page and tweet their stupid asses. I noticed that there was no coverage of the Paralympics. It’s sad.

    My ONLY explanation is that NBC is a decidedly liberal station and they are just proving how the Democrats ARE NOT the party of diversity and inclusion they claim to be. How else would you account for the hiding away of the disabled Olympians?

    1. Margaret says:

      To me it’s so obvious how egregious this whole thing is. Do they not see that?

      1. No they don’t. They see $$ and pandering to whoever gives them what they want.

        I’m posting this on their FB wall. LOL

        PS: I pimp myself out all the time. LOL

    2. Margaret says:

      Also, it might look better if YOU posted it on their FB page. Otherwise,
      it might appear as though I’m merely pimping my own stuff.

  13. Pricilla says:

    You know, the publicist was wondering where they were but she was so buried under the produce from the garden that she couldn’t give it much more thought than that. She has been a titch busy lately…..erm, she wants to know if you want a cantaloupe?

    1. Margaret says:

      I would love a cantalope. Tell her yes, I want a cantalope.

      I was really disappointed to find out the Paralympics were even happeneing at all only 3 days before it was over. And I didn’t find out about it from NBC, that’s for sure.

  14. Bravo. Standing ovation. I love you even more than I already did for writing this letter.

    1. Margaret says:

      Thanks Meleah, my fiance’ of the internets.

  15. I am shocked!
    Firstly at all the porn programmes. But more importantly that the paralympics (Spell checker hates the word) wasn’t aired in the US. It was one of the most inspirational events I have ever seen! It, without a doubt, equalled the main Olympics, with huge crowds at every event. I will never forget it.

    1. Margaret says:

      Thank you for weighing in on this, Babs. It’s good to hear from a Brit, just how awesome these games were.

      1. Margaret, we shed many a tear watching, in amazement, at the strength and determination of the athletes. I was in awe of the blind football. It was unbelievable! There were so many unforgettable moments, but one that will always stay with me, is the man who was left at the start of the 200 meter race. I think he had hurt himself before the race. I assumed he would leave the track, but he continued at a really slow pace, being lapped by the others. When the race was over, he continued to run three laps alone, just so he could finish! The crowd were on their feet for him. I am so sorry you missed it all.

        1. Margaret says:

          Oh my goodness, you made me tear up just reading this. I’m going to search that Paralympic YouTube Channel to see if I can find it.

  16. Nicky says:

    Mags (may I call you Mags?), Mags, I couldn’t agree with you more. But as for the porn channels, it’s not like any of them were titled “Mags and the Meat Factory” or anything like that. You have nothing to be embarrassed about.

    1. Margaret says:

      “Mags and the Meat Factory” – BA-HAHAHAHA!!!! As usual, you crack me the hell up, Nicky.

  17. Lauren says:

    You should definitely write your spellchecker. LOL! Unbelievable that the US stays silent while Putin speaks out. I think we could all use a bit of inspiration right now. Good for you for calling them out on their hypocrisy.
    Eek, scroll, scroll – priceless!

    1. Margaret says:

      I just hope SOMEBODY lets us watch it (in a timely manner) next time. Glad you liked the captions. 🙂

  18. Paula Wooters says:

    You said it, Margaret! Equal time for more than equal effort!

    1. Margaret says:

      Well said, Paula.

  19. ApotheosisAfrican52 says:
