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November 1 is World Vegan Day. Do You Know Where Your Meat Is?

I do not like vegetables, Sam I am.
I will not eat them in a car.
I will not eat them in a bar.
Not in a boat.
Or in a Maresy Dote. (or a Dosey Dote, for that matter)

So whenever I hear that someone is a vegetarian, or worse! – a VEGAN (ack!), I can’t relate. How can you not want the juicy medium-rare goodness of a Filet Mignon. Or the sweet, sweet mouth-watering manna that is an In-N-Out Double-Double, animal style?

And OMG, don’t get me meated on the meat-eater’s meat of all meaty meat meats…….


So anyway, vegans. I’ve met a few. And I have one vegan friend, Ilsa, who is totally one of those hippie tree-hugging animal-loving freaky freak vegans with a capital V.

And I love her.

Fate brought us together one day in Row 3 on the port side of a Southwest flight bound for L.A. when I lived down there and she lived in Sacramento.

And then one day she made some cheese sauce. (Not to be confused with Guppy Brain Lasagna Sauce for those of you who read last week’s recent post about cooktop cleaner, because fish brains? Not vegan.)

It was nacho cheese sauce. And she made it. And it was vegan. And it was good.

It was so good that she went to a manufacturer with the recipe and now they make it for her and put it in jars with actual labels and sell it at stores and everything.

nacheez, vegan cheese sauceNacheez (as in “not cheese”, get it? Not cheese?) is slowly but surely spreading across the country as the best tasting vegan nacho cheese sauce ever.

I brought a jar of Nacheez home one day to my very picky eater of a husband who is loath to try new things and you have to hide the fact that anything he’s eating might be healthy.

I heated some Nacheez with tortilla chips on the side and placed it in front of him. After a few dipped chips were consumed, I began throwing out caveats and waivers to lower his expectations and said, I realize this probably doesn’t taste like the “other” nacho cheese sauce you like but-”

He held up a hand and stopped me.

“Are you kidding?” he said. “That other cheese sauce is the benchmark against which all other cheese sauces are judged. You take a slab of Velveeta and throw in some salsa in the microwave and you’ve got yourself a meal. This tastes just as good if not better. This stuff is good.”

Yes, he really said “benchmark”.

I know.

So there you go. A screaming non-vegan (okay, two screaming non-vegans) like Nacheez.

How this stuff can be meat-free, gluten free, and dairy-free (for all you lactose-intolerant weirdos) and still taste awesome is beyond me. And the entire jar? 140 calories. (aka 4 Weight Watchers points)

You can see Nacheez in action in a video on VegTV. Or watch this:

One more thing… She letting me give away 2 jars of this stuff – woo hoo! (But to U.S. residents only – sorry!)

***** NOTE: This giveaway is now closed *****

Here are the various ways you can enter:

1. Leave a comment somehow mentioning “Nacheez” in any way. This will help me determine if you are just leaving a regular comment or that you are interested in entering the giveaway.

2. Like Nacheez on Facebook. Leave a comment here, saying you did so. Or that you already do.

3. Tweet this:

Holy Frijole! @nannygoats & @vegannacheez are giving away nacho cheese sauce. #vegan #butdoesnttastelikeit

Come back here and leave another comment with the Twitter status link. Not sure how to do that? Read my helpful hint on how grab the specific URL of a Tweet.

* * *
Entries will be accepted until midnight Thursday night, November 3, 2011.

***** NOTE: This giveaway is now closed *****

Good Luck!

P.S. Here’s a list of the places where you can find Nacheez, many of them in the Northern California area – you know, where all the hippies live. And you can poke and prod your local vegan store, gluten-free store, or health food store to carry it.

nacheez recipes, vegan recipes, banana cheese empanadas

Banana Nacheez Empanadas

The recipe for Banana Nacheez Empanadas can be found on the Nacheez recipe page.

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  1. This reminded me of a joke: Q. How do you find the vegan at a party? A. Don’t worry, they’ll let you know.

    1. Some of them indeed will!

  2. flop says:

    Perhaps you meant to say your husband is “loath” to try new things?

    1. Holy cow, I didn’t know there was a loath and a loathe! I will fix this. Thank you! You learn something new every day. (or is it everyday?) šŸ˜‰

  3. And I still hope I win!

  4. Okay, now I am followingĀ  @vegannacheez!

  5. Guest says:

    Maresy Dotes?……
    Ā Mares eat oats and does eat oats and little lambs eat ivy.
    Ā Just so you would know

    1. It’s about TIME somebody caught that and said something about it.

      1. The Nacheez Lady says:

        LOL! I thought it was Maresy Dotes for ever, too! That song messes with the MIND!

  6. Libby's Library says:

    Tweetily Tweet Tweet:!/LibbysLibrary/status/132251446728069120


  7. Libby's Library says:

    I want me some Nacheeze
    Woot – 141 Calories per jar.
    I can eat it with a spoon, in the tub or in the car.
    Hooray for Nacheeze, I want a case.
    Gotta get some to greedily taste.
    Nacheezes’ got no cheese, unlike your goat cheese.
    A poet I’m not, but who’s give a rot.
    I want to win – again and again.

    Elvis has left the building, so I’m outta here:-)


    1. The Nacheez Lady says:

      What a lovely ode to Nacheez! It makes me so happy to see that ‘woot’ is incorporated!!!

  8. Melissa Aiello says:

    I’m absolutely interested in Nacheez – especially since it isn’t sold anywhere near me – except 50 miles away in San Francisco. Phooey.

    1. The Nacheez Lady says:

      I’m always happy to send jars – it can be as little as $5 to send up to 6 jars. under Shop and Buy Online

  9. Linda R. says:

    #2 Liked on Facebook!

  10. Linda R. says:

    Ok here goes following directions.Ā 

    #1 I’m definitely NOT Vegan or anywhere near close, but Nacheez does sound interesting.

  11. Upstatelisa says:

    We definitely do not have nacheez in upstate ny

    1. The Nacheez Lady says:

      Do you have a Whole Foods Market? I’m trying hard to get into them.Ā  Worse comes to worse, there is always mail order ( or please let me know of stores that might carry Nacheez and I can contact them.

  12. Joanna Jenkins says:

    Seriously!?!?! Ā I spent the day with Godson getting allergy testing and guess what he’s allergic to– Ā Dairy, so Nacheez could be just what we’re looking for. Ā That kid lives on cheese and is already pitching a fit about having to lose it from his diet. Ā Please count me in and high five to your friend for getting the good stuff in the jar and on shelves!
    xo jj

    1. The Nacheez Lady says:

      Kids love Nacheez! Hope Gordon does, too! Mmmm….Mac n Nacheez!

    2. OK, how does the Nacheez lady know your godson’s name is Gordon?

    1. Faboo, Janna! And good luck!

  13. Janna says:

    Here is the url from the @sacthinkhouse:disqusĀ  tweet:!/SacThinkHouse/status/131813017817063425


  14. Nacheez sounds fantastic! I liked it on facebook and wanna win me some Nacheez plz šŸ˜›

    1. The Nacheez Lady says:

      Best of luck!

  15. When my oldest was young, I couldn’t serve any dairy.Ā  This would have been GREAT to have!

  16. I “like” Nacheez on Facebook,
    Lorie-Bill Shewbridge

  17. There is no way that Nacheez can be as good as all that, I have to win me some
    to prove it! Thanks for the chance.

    1. Ha1 You’re welcome. Well, it’s all a matter of opinion of course, but I really did like it.

  18. Drew says:

    I’m a second hand vegan.Ā  I eat the animals that eat the plants.

    1. Me too, but I really do like this stuff. I just wished I liked more vegetables.

  19. Nezzy says:

    Hummmm, Nacheez,Ā  I for one have never tried Nacheez but your nachos look heavenly girl.Ā  Yep, I’m goin’ into the city (well, Tiny Town) today and gonna check this Nacheeze out.

    My cabinets are void of Nacheez but baby wheres the beef ya ask.Ā  I have an upright freezer stuffed full of a hand fed giant bovine.Ā  Sorry Dad, we named her.Ā  Daddy always told me not to name anything I might eat!Ā  Heeeehehehe!

    We also have a field full of wild~eyed cattle!!!Ā  Woohoo!!! (said the non~vegan!)

    God bless and have a marvelous day sweetie!!! :o)

    1. I wonder just how many vegans roam in your carnivore-infested Ozarkyland? Sounds like you live in cow country, Nezzy! šŸ™‚

  20. Erin Kane says:

    I LIKE Nacheez on Facebook and can’t wait to try it.Ā  I talked to Ilsa at your birthday party – she’s amazing!

    1. Yes, she is. And there’s got to be a place somewhere in your vicinity that sells it.

  21. Oh, good grief – it’s one of those vegan “let’s make raw cashews into a ‘dairy’ product” things.Ā  (Sorry, but this WAPF/paleo girl ain’t going there…)

    Oh, well – at least it’s not soy.

    1. I was wondering where this stuff fell into the Paleo camp, Jan. Is there something in the ingredients that you don’t eat? Or do you not like the process? And what does WAPF stand for?

  22. Slommler says:

    I am going to check out my local Whole Foods store and see if they have Nacheez!!Ā  Sounds delish!Ā  And dairy gets me if I eat too much of it.Ā  And did I tell you I love cheese!!!Ā  So this is right up my alley!Ā 
    Oh and to possible win two jars?Ā  Heaven I say…heaven!!

    1. The Nacheez Lady says:

      Hi SueAnn,

      Sadly Whole Foods is not carrying my Nacheez. Perhaps it’s already being sold at another shop near you. Here is the link to all the shops that carry Nacheez:

      It would be a HUGE help if you requested Nacheez on the Whole Foods website.Ā  Just go to:

      Under “CONTACT US VIA EMAIL” and “Choose Topic:”
      “Product Request”
      Next Step Button

      Select your local store under Choose Store Where You Shop
      and fill in your name and email and something like “Nacheez Vegan Nacho Sauce“.
      Click Send Comment button

      Many thanks,

    2. Hi SueAnn!

      This stuff is perfect for those who love cheese but can’t eat it. Good luck in the drawing!

  23. ā€œNacheezā€ in any way.Ā I’ll have to hook myself up with some of this, which I will enjoy with my chicken fajitas.Ā 

    1. Kim – Let us know if you try it, what you think of it.

  24. Nicky says:

    I will like Nacheez on facebook after I move to the United States and invent a time machine.

    I think it is very cool that your friend invented Nacheez and has found a way to sell it, but I gotta say, she obviously has never had Guppy Brain Lasagna Sauce or she would give up being a vegan for sure.

    1. Nicky – I hope, for your taste buds’ sake that Nacheez spreads to Canada. Because you are cheese incarnate. Or something like that.

    2. The Nacheez Lady says:

      Lol! GBLS sounds very labor intensive!

      Nacheez is in Montreal, if that’s near you!

      1. Nicky says:

        WHAT?! I’m not *near* Montreal, I’m *IN* Montreal!! Where? Where can I find Nacheez? Tellmetellmetellmetellme!!!

        1. Nicky says:

          BTW, it’s also very nice to meet you Nacheez Lady šŸ™‚

          1. Woo hoo! Nacheez is in Canada! Do let us know if you try it, Nick!

        2. The Nacheez Lady says:

          Boutique Viva Vegan Store

          4148 St-Laurent Blvd

          Montreal QC H2W 1Y8


          (514) 903-VGAN (8426)

          Nice to meet you, too, Nicky šŸ™‚

  25. From the Mind of a Madman says:

    People everywhere are fainting from lack of nutrients….

  26. Pricilla says:

    The publicist liked Nacheez on facebook since I am a goat and do not have a facebook page. Maybe I should get one but I am so busy basking and eating apples sans Nacheez that I don’t have time

  27. Pricilla says:

    Are you giving it away in the past? Is it old Nacheez?
    I AM a vegetarian goat but I don’t eat cheese. Oh no!
    But the publicist does. And I am sure she would try Nacheez now or in the past.
    But that would be tricky wouldn’t it…if she had tried it on Oct 3rd she surely would have known it but then again with the publicist one never knows……

    1. Sorry – I was off by a whole month. I fixed it!

      1. Pricilla says:

        You must be like me – an old goat with a bad memory

  28. Okay well, if your husband is using ā€œNacheezā€Ā  as a ā€œbenchmarkā€ for all other cheese sauces, then I definitely need to get some of this!

    1. I am using the word ā€œNacheezā€Ā  in my comment to be used as an entry to win – and not just as a regular comment. Right?

    2. I *liked*Ā  ā€œNacheezā€ on Facebook. Because you told me to, and because I hope it increases my chances of winning. Even though, I’ve never hadĀ  ā€œNacheezā€ and I have no idea if I will *like* it in RealĀ  Life.

    3. And I tweeted about ā€œNacheezā€Ā  on twitter here:!/meleahrebeccah/status/131123381927018497.

    But wait. The dead line in your blog says OCTOBER 3rd!

    Soā€¦. now what?

    1. Sorry! I fixed it. Vegan Day is November 1. And the deadline is Nov 3rd. And you’re supposed to leave 3 separate comments, but that’s okay, I’ll figure it out.