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Goat Thing of the Day: The Oxfam Collection – Bringing the “It” back to It Gifts

Carrie (of the Carrie Actually blog) sent in this photo of her holding a baby pygmy goat. Awwwwwwwwwww!

baby pygmy goat (Carrie Actually)

Introducing… The Oxfam Collection

Oxfam Collection goats

Nanny Goats in Panties is proud to announce that it has teamed up with Oxfam America and Ivy Worldwide to promote the arrival of the new Oxfam Collection and to give away a goat sponsorship to one awesome NGIP reader. It’s a giveaway giveaway. Or something like that and it’s happening soon, so keep your eyes peeled, because I will probably also throw one of my 2011 Goat Calendars at you as well for participating in this giveaway.

oxfam collection

The Oxfam Collection was designed by the world famous über guru-maestro of fashion, the Hidalgo.

Oxfam Hidalgo goat promo

And as we all know, if Hidalgo says it’s happening, it is so happening. Giving is fashionable again and no one saw it coming except the Hidalgo.

Oxfam Hidalgo

I realize that you’re chomping at the bit to know how I came across these very exclusive photos of the Hidalgo, but I’m sworn to secrecy at the moment. What I can divulge, however, is that if I’m lucky, I will be able to interview the Hidalgo before this is all said and done. And then you will envy me beyond all human comprehension.

In the highly unlikely event you didn’t know who the Hidalgo was before today, now you can safely be IN THE KNOW and act all superior when someone else says to you, “Who is the Hidalgo?” Look down your nose at them when you sniff, “You mean YOU don’t know who the Hidalgo is? Why, anybody who is anybody knows the Hidalgo.” And then go on about some party you went to where the undisputed champion and fashionista of the super hip was there with one of his runway goat supermodels, Diana, and how everybody wanted to know who you were because you were seen talking to him.

Here’s a sneak peek at the Oxfam Collection (and Hidalgo). You’re one of the first to see this.

So now you know, if Hidalgo is presenting the Oxfam Collection, anybody who is anybody will be scooping these things up and talking about them. And trying to name drop about the Hidalgo. So if you want to be hip and trendy, consider giving a goat to a family in need through Oxfam, who has managed to successfully mix charity and fashion satire.

Oxfam GoatThe video below shows how the goat gifting helps needy families (and how it empowers women in the villages – woo hoo!)

The Oxfam Collection Giveaway will happen sometime in the next week or so, so stay tuned! Meanwhile you can check out the new Oxfam Collection, and consider making a donation today!

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  1. A Free Man says:

    Glad to see Oxfam has made it to the States. We’ve been ‘giving’ my parents goats and donkeys and the like for the last few years. Good gifts for people who already have everything they need.

  2. Hansonja says:

    I’m a selfish thing I know, but I want my own little goat.

  3. Anonymous says:

    A goat can change a life, whether or not it is wearing panties. Sort of Sharon Stone. Goats 4-ever.

  4. Jggaston says:

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful information!

  5. Jggaston says:

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful information!

  6. J. Bear Savo says:

    I know the video is serious and wonderful and all that… But, come on, it could be very funny as well.

  7. OMG! This is like the coolest thing EVER!

  8. I haven’t heard about this group before but I LOVE the concept (and marketing campaign) behind it.
    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! xo jj

  9. Jayne says:

    What a completely cool thing for you to be involved with. I’ve heard of this group. Oxfam and NGIP – a match made in blog-heaven.

  10. Blicky Kitty says:

    We do the Heifer Program every year, but that’s a new one to consider! You rock!

  11. MarinkaNYC says:

    Love the giveaway! Goats rule.

  12. Pricilla says:

    I am all about the goat.
    I thought that the “traditional restocking program” was the goat rhumba which Abby danced with Luke the other day.

    Goats are a very good animal to have and in fact are the most abundant dairy animal in the world and therefore the largest producers of methane on the earth.

    Goat trivia…

  13. Nezzy says:

    What a cool program, much like the Heifer program we participate in. Helpin’ and teachin’ those less fortunate to feed their families.

    God bless ya and have an incredible day sweetie!!!