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Goat Thing of the Day: Dressing Up Your Goat

So, alert NGIP fan Alaine sent me a picture of this leopard print goat coat from someone’s Etsy site.

goat modeling pink frilly coat

Etsy, if you don’t know, if a sort of store front for people’s homemade items.

Of course, I thought this was so cool and couldn’t wait to show it to you guys! However, not everyone thought it was as fabulous as I did and the next thing you know, Lisa from Condo Blues asked if I’d yet seen a picture of the same outfit featured on a parody site called Regretsy. The entry was filed under Pet Humiliation.

Regretsy screen shot of same goat coat

The question is, am I further humiliating this poor little goat? Or am I on the cutting edge of spreading the latest fad known as Goats and Coats (or GoCo) because there’s no such thing as bad publicity?

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  1. mertz says:

    this is soo cute i think i might use this for my 4-H costume dress up

  2. cheri says:

    lmao at the second comment….goat snuggie. Where’s miss goat’s 2:00 a.m. infomercial???

  3. Condo Blues says:

    You know if it were leopard print panties on that goat I could get behind it but not the goat snuggie. Although “GoCo” does have a certain ring to it…

  4. You go girl… The little Miss Nanny looks pretty pleased with herself! She doesn’t look upset or abused, she seems to like it. I think you should post all the pictures of pretty goats in coats you can find.

  5. Jen says:

    Regretsy, I love it! Sorry about your car but good thing the husband is okay. Have fun in vegas, bring a camera.

  6. tera says:

    “Regrestsy” is a scream!

  7. tera says:

    Oh! Um… Oh my!

  8. Pseudo says:

    The above comment was me…did not realize teen boy errased the history on the computer last night.

  9. Anonymous says:

    We grew up humiliating our Tom Cat by dressing him up in doll clothes and toting him around in a stroller. I hope those pictures surface someday.

  10. Theresa says:

    It’s not so much WHAT the goat is wearing as much as it is the pink leopard print. Everyone knows goats look better in blue. Jeez!

  11. Nooter says:


  12. moooooog35 says:

    I think you need to seriously consider renaming this blog to:
    “Beastiality Central”
    Can’t wait to see the search terms you get hit on now that I’ve put that comment in.
    You’re welcome.

  13. I guess I’ll have to burn all those pictures from the 80’s of my dog dressed up as Madonna. I don’t want to do the walk of shame.

  14. regretsy? I had no idea such a site existed – and now even more time I can’t afford to spare will get sucked into the black hole of the internet

  15. Braja says:

    I’m going with ‘humiliation,’ but as you say there’s no such thing as bad PR, so the humiliation will MAKE that goat.
    Bring on the humiliation…..

  16. I say you’re doing both–humiliating the goat and promoting goat-wear. Either way, I like it. It’s cute, and goat seems to like the attention.

  17. Kwana says:

    Wow that is too wild.

  18. That goat is voguing, you can tell by her stance!

  19. You’re cutting edge as usual.
    Apparently there’s no economic downturn for goat owners.

  20. Mad Woman says:

    I dunno, I kind of like it. I’m not fond of dogs and cats in clothes, but somehow the whole idea of goats in coats is cool!

  21. C.B. Jones says:

    In five years, you won’t be able to hook up with anybody unless you have your very own stylish goat on hand. They’re like 20 inch rims, only they don’t spin(yet.)

  22. Jennifer says:

    I agree no such thing as bad publicity. well maybe after this weekend in Vegas we’ll say something else! yes I’m in love with the hooker boots on my site!

  23. I just noticed the bottom layer. . . that goat is styling!

  24. Mighty M says:

    Definitely cutting edge.

  25. A $29.99 Goat Coat! I LOVE that!

  26. So glad your husband is okay after the storm. I would hate to have missed meeting you at SITScation.
    I love your writing. You have me laughing every time I read one of your posts.

  27. Tracy says:

    OMG TOO FUNNY! Poor goat! LOL

  28. Possum says:

    I have to concur with JD – bwahahaha @ GoCo/regretsy

  29. I don’t know which I love more: “GoCo” or “Regretsy.”

  30. Nezzy says:

    How could the goat be humiliated when ya can see she is stylin’? All the other goats must be soooo jealous of her fab fashion forward confidence. Now let’s just let the little fashion diva strut her stuff.
    Ya’ll have a wonderful day checkin’out the trends!!!

  31. The farm down the road might like this. I should drop off a copy for them.

  32. Kathryn says:

    Um, not too fond of animals in clothes. It seems degrading, somehow. But i don’t think it is abuse. And to each her own.
    I would like to paint numbers on the squirrels that i feed, however, so i can tell them apart! Or i could put them in dresses, but first i’d have to catch them!

  33. Pricilla says:

    While I would not choose that particular coat for any one of my progeny I did dress my Sarah in a coat as evidenced here:

  34. CatLadyLarew says:

    Does it come in blue?

  35. Felicia says:

    This lovely lass of a goat is too cute! Wherever the pic has been posted, it deserves to go far and wide.
    And if people poke fun at it, *meh.* Ms. Goat doesn’t care. She’s far too pretty to concern herself with the opinions of commoners.

  36. Jayne says:

    That is hysterical! And I love that “Clowee” is an “indoor goat.”

  37. Jenn Thorson says:

    Given it appears to be a shawl and not, say, a Goat Snuggie– I say bring it! đŸ™‚

  38. Tracy says:

    Ha! I posted the same thing on my FB fan page. I meant to point it out to you but I got distracted by the giving birth crotched doll with abundant hair everywhere.