Nanny Goats in Panties Rotating Header Image

Ya Know It’s Hard Out Here for a Blog

If I dress my blog up in fishnet stockings and a push-up bra and F@*K me pumps and teach it to sashay the streets at night, and instruct it in the art of negotiation when it comes to collecting cash for shameful or humiliating acts, is my blog the whore, or am I?

Or rather, am I the pimp, getting my 50% (or whatever it is that pimps get…what do pimps get any way? And do pimps even exist any more or is that considered old school because pimps have all been outsourced or downsized or whatever?)

Anyway, I’m about to ask you to vote for Nanny Goats In Panties as Humor Blogger of the Year and I just need the correct label.

Please click on this link or on the image above and vote in the poll on the front page of Very quick. No credit card information or registration or anything! Please vote for Nanny Goats In Panties! And if you’ll lower your trousers, sir or madam, Kiki will be right with you.

Also, Jan over at Jan’s Sushi Bar is having a contest for a $25 gift card. Check out her scary new banner and her post entitled Boo Y’All for more info.

And now, I’m off to Tito’s Tacos because although I’ve lived in Los Angeles for 16 years, I’ve never been and Anna from Life Just Keeps Getting Wierder had this contest where she was giving away a Tito’s Tacos baseball hat and I said to myself, hey, self, you’ve never been there and you drive past it all the time, what the hell? And then Anna told me I have to try a taco with the guacamole that you pour out of a pitcher so as soon as my roommate is finished practicing on his harp we are going to get all up in Tito’s grill and order up!

So it’s cars and Mexican food, which I suppose is typical for L.A., as opposed to bullet trains and Japanese food, like what Merlot mom did a few weeks ago and is STILL talking about (and I was afraid of dragging out my New York travel trip, which by the way, I’m still not sure I’m done telling you about).

Okay, who is right now thinking,”WTF? Guacamole from a pitcher?”

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  1. Kirsten says:

    Guacamole from a pitcher? What ELSE is in that guac?

  2. aims says:

    I went and voted and cheered you on with a bunch of cheerleader jumps and flips.
    Haven’t a clue what tito’s is. Living in Canada I don’t think they exist here – but do enjoy. Guacamole out of a plastic pitcher? Hmmmm……

  3. Kirsten says:

    How many times can I vote? I voted twice, but I’ll vote everyday, if I can.

  4. Alex L. says:

    If a pimp aint getting 100 percent then he’s not using his pimping hand properly.

  5. Em says:

    Pourable guac? I’m fairly certain the great citizens of Mexico would not claim that as a local condiment.
    If creative ethnic recipe tinkering is called “TexMex” in the Lone Star State – what do they call that in Cali?
    I hope it tastes better than I imagine it looks.

  6. honeywine says:

    Mmm…guacamole. Where the heck is Kiki??? Don’t make me wait. I’ll use my pimp hand.

  7. enveous1 says:

    ok so i love the reference to hustle & flow, excellent movie! i have no idea what the rate of return for pimps is these days… but i will vote for you on the link. Now proceed with the NYC stories! Annnd go!

  8. Mia Watts says:

    have decided you are a freakin’ genius. Must return for additional herniation.

  9. Do we have to start stuffing dollar bills in your blog thong now?

  10. Abby says:

    Voted for you! You are currently in second place behind the crothcety old man who yells at cars.
    Thanks for the vote for me on my blog!

  11. Yes, definitely wtf on the guac! Sounds icky but I wanna hear about it after. I’ll try anything…….once. I’m kind of a purist when it comes to food. I like my guac the good ole fashion way we did it in Mexico.
    Oh and yes, whore, I voted for you!

  12. Preston says:

    You shameless hussy! I can see getting a nanny goat into panties but pumps and fishnets!? Where’s the pictures?

  13. Anna Lefler says:

    Oh, MAN, you are in for a treat! I can say from personal experience that you haven’t had guac till you’ve had it poured from a pitcher. A plastic pitcher.
    I know, I know. I was a skeptic, too. I couldn’t figure out why there were always long lines in front of Tito’s at all hours. I had to see it with my own eyes. And then I saw it. And then I tasted it.
    [insert heavenly chorus here]
    BTW, they also have a song at
    Enjoy, Ms. NannyGoats, and thanks for the shout-out!!!!
    (Oh, and don’t forget to take some Tito’s back for your pimp. I don’t know about yours, but mine gets a tad cranky when his blood sugar drops. Not pretty.)

  14. Jamie says:

    Ok first of all, whoring out your blog makes you a PimpWhore. Why? Beacuse it takes a whore to know how to dress a blog up to act and look like one, which by default you then become a pimp since you collect the money…being that your blog isn’t allowed to open a bank account.
    Second- Yes pimps still do really exist..I know because mine keeps calling me and I am screening his calls.
    Thirdly- Can I vote for you if I already wasted my vote on myself? Can you double vote? Ooops, onlyif you live in Florida? Sorry, with this economy right is everyone for I voted for myself my pimp demanded that I did. But I will ask pimp if it is ok to vote for you too:)♥

  15. AngieSS says:

    Me, totally! Wtf, guac from a pitcher. Of course I would probably try it because I absolutely looove Mexican food.
    Oh, and I think a pimp probably gets at least 80%–greedy mo-fos. (I’m guessing)

  16. HeatherPride says:

    Well, I have to admit I’m curious of the pourable guac! Um, picture please?

  17. Jan says:

    Hey, if you can pour guacamole, it’s not guacamole – it’s green runny stuff.
    I went clicky click for you…and will again when I get home and my IP adress changes. 😀

  18. justagirl says:

    man i really want to pour guacamole from a pitcher. Its like my favorite, favorite. So do a food review for those of us in TX.

  19. Guacamole? From a pitcher? Aren’t pitchers supposed to be used to hold Mojitos?

  20. MJ says:

    Yes, I was definitely thinking WTF.

  21. Tricia says:

    I read a report the other day that said prostitutes typically see an increase in business during difficult economic times.
    You’re gonna win this one :o)

  22. merlotmom says:

    where the hell is tito’s tacos? and pourable guacamole just does not sound appetizing…thanks for the linky love.

  23. georgie says:

    I voted but only because you said ‘lower your trousers’ LOL I kid I kid i voted because you said F@*k me pumps

  24. Annette says:

    Yes, I’ll admit to trepidation when it comes to pourable guacamole…please do tell us about it. I’m hoping this is just another name for margueritas?