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Getting Mowed Down, Hitchcock Style

Overwhelmed by late spring vanity (living in L.A. will just do that to you), I decided to go out for a walk. You know, get that circulation going, the heart pumping, burn the calories rather than merely throwing them up. I always bring my camera with me because you never know what you’re going to see and want to share with the world on your blog.

So there I was, minding my own business, when all of a sudden, I saw this thing coming at me:

OMG! Where did this thing come from?

Now granted, maybe I shouldn’t have been walking in the middle of the road, but all of a sudden I was Cary Grant, diving to the ground to avoid decapitation. Since when was it OK to be driving these things out in public?

* * * Nanny Goats Shout Out * * *

NGIP would like to give Twenty Four At Heart a big shout out for adding us to her blog roll. And speaking of SoCal-imposed body attendance, her post for today hilariously demonstrates what we are willing to do to ourselves.

Go to to keep Nanny Goats In Panties on their Front Page.

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  1. Margaret says:

    OK, actually I was sitting in a plane at the time that stopped and when I looked up, that’s what I saw, which is odd enough, but of course, I had to ramp it up a notch.

  2. ByJane says:

    what were you doing strolling on the runway?

  3. No wonder you ended up there, what with all the smog and all. 😉

  4. Tricia says:

    I agree with Pinki, that’s an awfully big bird. Good thing you ducked!

  5. Where are you taking walks? LOL That’s a big bird. Pteradactyl like, even. : )